Expressive words


This one is Mirror. It was one of the more easier ones, the only thing I really had trouble with was trying to make it look centered and all, but otherwise, I think it turned out alright. It was one of the first things that came to mind and all I had to do was copy and flip the word, as unlike reflection mirror flipped horizontally made more sense.
This one is Backwards, it was pretty easy to do as I only had it flip it over. It wasn't so much as doing something with a word that was hard, but thinking of what words to use, one moment I have so many I can't pick, the next, I have no clue what to do. But backwards was pretty easy to think of, and didn't really require you to do much either.
This one is Spaced. This one was probably one of the more difficult ones as I had trouble getting the spaces about the same length and fitting them inside the frame, the font is pretty small but not to the point that it can't be seen. I think it turned out to be alright, and it was pretty quick to think of as the spacebar on our keyboard and all.

        This one is Typo. This one was probably one of the more fun ones to do. I make typos a lot so thinking of making a typo on typo sounded like a funny idea to me. I wanted the typo to be in a way that the word is still obvious so I switched the y for an i.
This one is tower. This one was the first one I did, it was probably one of the ones that took the longest to do, as I couldn't figure out just how big I wanted the T to be. It took quite a while to finally do it in a way that wasn't too big or small, but I think it turned out ok.


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