Breaking the Grid Shafa Hawladar

For this assignment, we had to use the 6 * 6 grids and break them using poster elements like titles/subtitles and other things. At first, I didn't really have an idea on how to do this assignment, but  I remembered stuff about type hierarchy and  googled  some fonts that would go well together. Looking for the pictures was probably the harder part of this assignment since a lot of them couldn't fit in the canvas and were quite pixelated. After a while, I managed to find some pictures that fit in the screen and an actual PNG that didn't have a secret background behind it. Remembering some stuff from type hierarchy helped with choosing text size and whether to use bold or italic and all for the other fonts. The yellow outline on the King of pop text  was mostly an accident but  I think it looks ok. Overall I think it turned out to be alright and I enjoyed making it.


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