Portrait In Type Shafa Hawladar

This one is called Portrait in type. For this assignment, we had to create a person out of letters/symbols that are only found on the keyboard. This one was quite difficult to do, but was fun nonetheless. The hardest part to do was probably the jacket, as it had a lot of folds and stuff and  I mostly used Vs and |s to make the folds.  As for the hair, it was also difficult but not as much, I didn't really know what to do at first so I mostly ended up using parenthesis for an outline, but later put Xs, Vs, Us, and Ws to make the hair more detailed later on. While making the hair more detailed, I decided to start putting random symbols and stuff to darken the clothing colors and ended up looking different shades, which was pretty interesting. I think it turned out to look alright.



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